How May I Help You?
The journey to self actualization is one that most people never get to complete in this life. It is a high goal that we can aspire to and work together to achieve though. We can always try.

Self Awareness
In this journey, we will compassionately work together to understand who you are and who you are trying to be.

Self Knowledge
Knowledge is key to success in life. Knowing who you are is a deep-work worth doing. What motivates you to do things and what are the things you find worthwhile.

Self Actualization
What is the purpose of it all? To get to the end feeling like we have contributed meaningfully, to the world we met when we were born.
Your mental health is of great importance. In a world of stress, troubles and bad news all around, you need to know how to stay sane. You need to learn to connect to the inner YOU!
In your connection to you inner YOU, you find strength to walk, run or fly. It doesn’t matter the stage of life you are in, you can become better.
Join me on this journey to better self discovery. You can learn how I found my own path.

Blog Posts

Building Emotional Intimacy in Romantic Relationships
Hello dear friends, Happy Valentine’s Weekend. I hope you had a meaningful and valuable celebration with your loved ones. There have been various interpretations for what this day really celebrates, however it’s all love, whether

Love Languages & Emotional Well-Being
Hello dear friends, How are you and I hope the blogs so far have been useful and practical . As we enter another month, we have the privilege to reflect on what love is and

Building Lasting Habits for Wellness
Hi dearie, Welcome to the last day of January. The “56” days of January have come to an end finally. How was it for you? Alat haff enter? Are you building your 2025 life brick

How to Set Intentions That Align with Your Values
Hello dear, Hitting your goals for the year already? Goals give us energy to live our days with a purpose. There are traditional goal writing techniques we are used to practicing. However, there’s something even

Benefits of Collaborative Journaling
Hello dear friend,How are you, I hope your week has gone well and things are taking shaping gradually this year. Could you let me know if you did your goal-setting from last week? I thought

Setting Mental Health Goals for a New Year
Hi Lovelies, The start of a new year often comes with high expectations and ambitious resolutions. While goal-setting can be motivating, it’s easy to fall into the trap of setting overwhelming expectations—especially when it comes

The Art of Saying No: Protecting Your Energy in the New Year
Hello dear friend, You made it! Congratulations! Welcome to 2025. It’s such a privilege to start another year with fresh ideas and opportunities looming. As the New Year rolls in, it’s tempting to embrace every

My Letter to 2024
Hello 2024, What a time we had with you, we are grateful for your presence, and the things you brought, as well as the things you took from us.We grew up so quickly together, what

Alcohol and Christmas: Finding Joy Without Overindulgence
Hi dear friends, I look upon the coming celebrations fondly and remember that the festive season is a time for celebration, connection, and, hopefully, creating cherished memories. For many, Christmas gatherings include clinking glasses filled