How May I Help You?
The journey to self actualization is one that most people never get to complete in this life. It is a high goal that we can aspire to and work together to achieve though. We can always try.
Self Awareness
In this journey, we will compassionately work together to understand who you are and who you are trying to be.
Self Knowledge
Knowledge is key to success in life. Knowing who you are is a deep-work worth doing. What motivates you to do things and what are the things you find worthwhile.
Self Actualization
What is the purpose of it all? To get to the end feeling like we have contributed meaningfully, to the world we met when we were born.
Your mental health is of great importance. In a world of stress, troubles and bad news all around, you need to know how to stay sane. You need to learn to connect to the inner YOU!
In your connection to you inner YOU, you find strength to walk, run or fly. It doesn’t matter the stage of life you are in, you can become better.
Join me on this journey to better self discovery. You can learn how I found my own path.
Blog Posts
Talking to Kids About Bullying: How to Foster Open Communication and Build Resilience
Hello dear friend, I bring you a chilly greeting as we are in autumn and the way the weather has changed 😭! The long holidays are over for the kids. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all
Radical Self-Love: Embracing Imperfection and Celebrating Your Unique Journey to Wellness
Hello dear friend, It is great to have you stop by again, I don’t take it for granted that you guys remain present and committed to working on yourselves. How are you doing today? If
Healthy Habits for Self-Care: Discovering Hobbies and Activities that Recharge Your Mind and Body
Hello dear friends, I hope you are having a good week and you feel satisfied with that effort you have put towards getting closer to your dreams. I was having a conversation with some people
Unplugging to Recharge: Finding Balance in Screen Time and Digital Detoxes
Hello dear friend I hope you are having a great summer so far, all the holidays and local events are in full gear. I thought about how summer can be busy but we often have
From Self-Sabotage to Self-Compassion: Overcoming Negative Patterns in Self-Care
Hi dear friend, How are you doing today? Hope you are keeping safe among the protests going on in the world today. From Nigeria to Venezuela and now to the United Kingdom. It is a
Confronting Escapism: How to Identify and Replace Harmful Coping Strategies
Hi dear friend, It’s a lovely new month and an opportunity to do exciting things. I wish you a healthy and successful month ahead. For those of us who are starting new jobs this month,
Communication is Key: Fostering Open Dialogues with Your Children about Mental Health
Hello friends, I hope you are keeping well this week. It’s been one where I have tried to pump energy into my psyche and get myself over a fatigue phase. If I was a bear
The Balancing Act: Juggling Work, Family, and Self-Care as a Parent
Hello my dear friend, Thank you for visiting my blog one more time. I need to take this opportunity to thank everyone who shares my links and invites their friends to read. I noticed a
Navigating Parenthood: Seeking Support and Building Community
Hi dear friend, i hope you had a good week, it is an interesting week for reflecting on climate change. Rainy days in July and stormy mornings ahead. Hope you at least have some sunshine